100 Monologues – Monologue #43: Snow Days

100 Monologues is a project where I’m writing monologue scripts, performing, and filming the pieces. Since I’m beginning to dabble in acting, the project is meant as a means for me to acquire more acting experience where I can work on refining my craft. You can find out more about the project here.

Below is the script from the “Snow Days” monologue. If you’re a student who would like to perform this monologue for class, just make sure you credit me, Maggie Coyle, as the author. For any other use of the script, please contact me.

100 Monologues: #43 Snow Days

I used to love snow days as a kid. I loved it whenever I’d open up the blinds in my room and see several inches of snow covering the world around me. I’d curl up back in bed, pull the covers up over my head, and go back to sleep for several hours. Whenever I woke up again, I’d just lounge around the house in my pjs—just taking my sweet time with life. And whenever I got tired of lounging, I’d just bundle up and go outside in the cold. Having snowball fights and building forts with my friends. And whenever I got tired of the cold, I’d come back inside. Take off my snow-covered gloves and let them dry on the radiator. Then I’d just drink hot chocolate and watch time move by real slow.

As an adult, I still love snow days. It’s all too easy to get caught up in work. I’m usually moving too fast to ever slow down and enjoy the world around me. And snow days allow me to do just that. They give me an unexpected day off to just sit back.

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